How can AI Foster Prevention and Smart Use of Antibiotics in a One Health world?

Events Since 2001

How can AI Foster Prevention and Smart Use of Antibiotics in a One Health world?

Basel, Switzerland.

Panel discussion at the 8th AMR Conference - Novel Antimicrobials and AMR Diagnostics. Jointly organized by BEAM ((Biotech companies in Europe combating AntiMicrobial resistance) Alliance and bamconn GmbH. Moderated by Lothar Wieler (Hasso Plattner Institute). Speakers: Ralf Sudbrak (Global AMR R&D Hub), Lara Urban (Helmholtz Munich), Thomas Van Boeckel (ETH Zurich), Esther Antao (Hasso Plattner Institute), Muna Abu-Sin (Robert Koch Institute), Ramanan Laxminarayan (One Health Trust).

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