Sustaining the One Health in a changing environment and the Global Challenges to the lives of our Pets, Livestock and Biodiversity
04/26/2024 - 04/27/2024
Tunis, Tunisia
Tunis, Tunisia. Hosted in celebration of World Veterinary Day by the African Veterinary Association and the Union Générale des Médecins Vétérinaires de Tunisie. This forum will gather high level experts from Continental and National veterinary organizations for the following events:
The 12th African and Euro-Arab veterinary Associations Congresses
The General Assembly of the World Union of Liberal Professions
The International One Health Veterinary Forum for Africa & Middle East.
Technical trainings, round tables and workshops on Diagnostic diseases.
It will be also a good opportunity to enhance and strengthen the partnership and collaboration between the African and the Euro-Arab Veterinary Associations and the International Veterinary Organizations as well as the partnership with the World Union of Liberal Professions.