One Health Governance in Eastern  and Southern Africa

Events Since 2001

One Health Governance in Eastern and Southern Africa


Hosted by the Quadripartite-Powered Community of Practice (CoP) for the Return on Investment in One Health and One Health Investment Planning in collaboration with CIRAD and the World Bank. Organized by Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (COHESA), an EU-funded project. The panel discussed how more efficient implementation of the One Health approach at all levels can provide better societal, ecological, and economic outcomes. Points included:

  • The different One Health governance structures and approaches in eastern and southern Africa,

  • Importance of good One Health governance

  • Experiences and ideas about different governance mechanisms and their political economy aspects. 

  • Tools used for the baselines assessment and stakeholder net mapping exercises

Panelists: Chadia Wannous, Theo Knight-Jones, Margaret Karembu, Bibiana Iraki, Shauna Richards.

For more information, please click here.

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