James Steele - a father of One Health - dies at 100 years old

James Steele - a father of One Health - dies at 100 years old


Dr Steele came to CDC in 1947, just after its beginning. There was no road map for the work he did—he was a pioneer, creating CDC’s veterinary public health program. He pioneered the integration of veterinary public health into the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The message of the One Health Initiative is that human health and animal health are inextricably linked: we cannot have good public health unless we have good animal health, and we cannot have good animal health unless we have good public health. Jim Steele was a father of the One Health Initiative. He didn’t merely profess this concept—he practiced it for 7 decades, and he taught it to younger generations of veterinarians.


Schultz MG. In Memoriam: James Harlan Steele (1913–2013). Emerging Infectious Diseases. 2014;20(3):514-515. doi:10.3201/eid2003.im2003.

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