Narratives of One Health In Action
One Health Needs the Private Sector – The Private Sector Needs One Health
Author: Richard Seifman In: IMPAKTER
Over 15 million dead from COVID-19 and output losses close to $14 trillion, but we need all hands on deck to deal with this and future pandemics
“One Health is like many past critical issues which were first known about by experts, some advocates, and even some governments; but realistically not accepted or adopted as a priority until the private sector – writ large – embraced the subject as its problem. …Once that happens, it generates forceful commitment, traction and action, which then translates in dedicated internal and external financial resources……
At this next WEF [World Economic Forum] meeting, One Health must be on the agenda, and seen as a major topic, not as an expression of “Corporate Social Responsibility,” but as integral to their core long-term business interests.”
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