Narratives of One Health In Action
Call for the United Nations to appoint a One Health Coordinator to guide policy and program change -
Author: Richard Seifman In: IMPAKTER
Supporters of One Health do not commonly look upon their efforts as being in competition in gaining attention with other compelling ideas. But there is some truth in this; the public commons have room for just so much, and if forced to choose between the immediate and later, the better or lesser publicized, it will invariably choose the former……The One Health Coordinator would inter alia share relevant research, and organize meetings and conferences, conceivably at a Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly.
That could lead to an International Conference on One Health as was the case with the International Conferences on Nutrition. Further, the One Health Coordinator would engage with global and regional financial institutions to provide the wherewithal to accomplish agreed objectives ……...
In short, an appointment now by the UN Secretary General of a UN “One Health Coordinator” would provide the needed visibility and a perch for a global personality to do good.