Veterinary Epidemiologist


Veterinary Epidemiologist


Help gear up veterinary epi capacity for FAO’s Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) Office in Liberia, 2 months plus, Provide Epi training to the Epi staff at MoA and ECTAD National Epi Expert, hands-on, very practical with some theoretical background. For more information contact

Duties for the international Epi expert:
  1. Provide Epi training to the Epi staff at MoA and ECTAD National Epi Expert (teaching basic principles of Epid/surveillance); hands-on experience; very practical but with some theoretical background
  2. Provide help in the revision and / or development of surveillance plans for priority animal diseases (zoonotic / non-zoonotic), from grass-root level to Central level (I am working on this also with Leelia, but it is important that someone spends more time on a 1-to-1 basis); skills on Epi here are not strong! Also helping with development of training materials.
  3. Once Surv plans are developed if there is time to help developing ‘contingency’ plans for priority zoonotic diseases
  4. Provide help in selecting / training RRT on surveillance activities
  5. Strengthen capacity at central and sub-national levels on disease detection, early warning (in general and high risk areas) - training on this area
  6. Link with work of the VCE (risk areas, with knowledge on risk mapping, etc.) both at FAO and MoA.
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