Who's Who in SOH - One Health Commission

Who's Who in SOH

A Collaborative Effort of the International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA)

and the One Health Commission


Image last updated April 26, 2021

Click here or on the map to see pin color key on the Interactive Who's Who in Students for One Health map.


Click on the pins to identify Student One Health groups around the world then look for additional
information in the listing below.


Calling ALL Students Everywhere
Working to Further One Health 


Let’s create a way to ‘connect’ students working for One Health around 
the world with each other!


Get your group on the Who's Who in Students for One Health map!!!


Vision:  A global ‘Who’s Who in Students for One Health’ pin map overseen by the ISOHA Executive Council and the One Health Commission.  Simply mouse over the pins.

• Traveling? Check the map for One Health-minded students in the region you will visit for a potential local One Health connection when you get there. 
• Planning a One Health event? Reach out to other student groups to discuss and get ideas.
• Get updates on ISOHA activities and One Health Happenings around the world.


Take these Actions!! Please share Widely!!!


1. Submit your group’s information on this Google Spreadsheet to get your SOH group on the Who’s Who in SOH map.  http://bit.ly/2UhaQpJ    The map will be updated every 2 months from this google spreadsheet to include new entries.

2. Download this Who’s Who in International Students for One Health information template, complete and send it via email to ISOHAExCo@gmail.com with a copy to cstroud@onehealthcommission.org.

3. If you (or a friend) are not already signed up for the International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA) listserv to receive ISOHA and OHC communications, please do so here! https://goo.gl/8BHwMz

4. Get involved with the ISOHA Executive Council and working groups. Contact ISOHAExCo@gmail.com

5. Follow ISOHA on Facebook: @internationalstudentsonehealthalliance   and Twitter:   @ISOHA_OHC


See Informational SOH Group templates. Please help us make this a complete list with information on every group pinned on the map.


Colorado State University

Free University of Berlin - One Health /Veterinarians Without Borders Volunteer Student Group

Grupo de Estudos de Saude Unica, PUCPR One Health Study Group

Kansas State University Public Health Club

Midwestern University - New Student One Health Club 

Mississippi State One World - One Health and Public Health Club

Moi University One Health Students Club, Kenya

NCSU Students for One Health/Public Health

One Health International Association of Nanjing Agricultural University, China

One Health Nepal Paklihawa

One Health Onderstepoort, U Pretoria

Penn Vet (University of Pennsylvania) One Health Club

St. George's University SCAVMA Veterinary Public Health Committee

Texas A&M University - One Health Student Association 

Tulane University’s One Health Club

UC Berkeley One Health Student Initiative

UC Davis Students for One Health 

University of Missouri One Health Club

University of Saskatchewan Students’ One Health Club

Young Leaders for Health


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