Report - A Comparative Analysis of One Health Policies in Asia: Opportunities for Application in British Columbia

Report - A Comparative Analysis of One Health Policies in Asia: Opportunities for Application in British Columbia


Authors: Bonni Beltramo, Lisa Slager, Lindsey Wall, Soumya Kolluru

Advisors: Drs. Kai Ostwald, Drona Rasali,  School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver

This report was commissioned by the British Columbia, Canada non-profit organization, Genome BC. A group of University of British Columbia students in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs (MPPGA) program explored implementation of One Health policies in Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangladesh, and Thailand, to find best practices that can inform and strengthen One Health policy implementation in British Columbia.

Project Description

One Health policies - which integrate human, animal and environmental health - are an emerging concept, gaining traction with the increase in zoonotic diseases and the onset of the SARS-CoV-2 global health pandemic. One Health policies have been shown to strengthen identification, monitoring, and prevention of infectious disease outbreaks, but in British Columbia they have yet to be extensively implemented. The purpose of this project is to obtain a deeper understanding of the various characteristics that are present in the design and implementation of existing One Health policies in Bangladesh, Thailand, Singapore, and Hong Kong in order to identify best practices that can be applied to the British Columbia context. The overall goal is to inform British Columbia's stakeholders on how they can accelerate One Health implementation within existing health frameworks.

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A Comparative Analysis of One Health Policies in Asia: Opportunities for Application in British Columbia Beltramo B, Slager L, Wall L, Kolluru S, Advisors: Ostwald K, Rasali D, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, published on the One Health Commission Narratives of One Health in Action webpage, April 2022.

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