Journals / Periodicals - One Health Commission

Journals / Periodicals


These journals and periodicals are known to publish One Health related items

If there are others that are not yet listed here please share information about them to


Animal Research and One Health - Wiley Online Library


Bulletin of Atomic Scientists - One Health Column by Laura Kahn


CABI One Health


EcoHealth: One Health - Ecology & Health - Public Health  (Official Journal of EcoHealth Alliance)


Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) - NIEHS


Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID)


Human - Animal Interactions (CABI)


Infection Ecology and Epidemiology (IEE) The Journal of One Health Sweden


International Innovation (Click here for past issues)


International Journal of Infectious Diseases


International Journal of One Health (India)


IVSA, Veterinary Public Health (VPH) Journal Issue 3/2014


Journal of Agricultural and Crop Research


Journal of Animal Genetics, Transgenesis, and Zoonoses (JAGTZ)


Journal of Global, Public and One Health (JGPOH)


Journal of Interprofessional Education and Practice (JIEP)


Journal of Veterinary Medicine and One Health (only one issue in 2019)


One Earth


One Health          (Created by the International One Health Platform Foundation, now the official Journal of the International Federation of Tropical Medicine)


One Health Advances     (Official journal of the China Agricultural University)


One Health Bulletin   (Official Publication of Hainan Medical University)


One Health and Implementation Research (OHIR)


One Health Innovation Journal (Open Access, Queens University, Canada, articles written and peer reviewed by undergraduate students)


One Health Outlook


PAMJ - One Health (Pan African Medical Journal -One Health)


Research Directions: One Health


Science in One Health


Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases Journal (SocZee)


Veterinary Sciences - Switzerland


Veterinary World - Open access and peer reviewed journal



See also this compilation of Potential Places to publish One Health-Social Science Related Topics that has been prepared byt the One Health Social Sciences Initiative Team.


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