One Health Movement News / One Health Topics 'in' the News
Tagged with: AAVMC
Fifteen stakeholders from the AAVMC, the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU), the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and the World Bank met at the FAO Liaison Office for North America in Washington, D.C. in early April to discuss strategies for mitigating the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) problem. Talks focused on educational, research and policy development initiatives with international impact, including methods for educating stakeholders, the potential establishment of a university-based Center of Excellence to coordinate research and educational programs, and Congressional outreach and potential One Health legislation.
The One Health Inter-professional Education Initiative seeks to integrate One Health concepts into the degree programs of health professions students through the case study method of instruction. To accomplish this goal the AAVMC in collaboration with the APTR), convened a Working Group and the Healthy People Curriculum Task Force (HPCTF). The Working Group has developed a broad-based One Health Educational Framework designed for use in all health professions education. The One Health Case Study project aimed to engage faculty in developing inter-professional teaching cases as well as case studies specific to an individual field of study.15 case studies were selected for publication and teaching and their teaching materials are free to download.