Narratives of One Health In Action - One Health Commission

Narratives of One Health In Action

One Health can provide a safe, 'no judgment zone' for many needed conversations surrounding our most difficult global and environmental health challenges. 

This is a webpage where many items can be shared, from peer reviewed scientific case studies to examples of One Health successes (or missed opportunities) to Op Eds and Opinion Pieces.

Opinions expressed here are not necessarily approved by the One Health Commission but are shared ‘because’ this is a safe, no judgement zone and we need to hear from many perspectives on many of today’s challenges. Thoughtful articles written in a professional tone will be considered for posting. Submit suggested items to

See COVID-19 and One Health

See more narratives of One Health in Action on the U.S. CDC One Health in Action webpage.

See digital One Health stories in a Virtual One Health Exhibition shared by researchers from the Center for International Health CIHLMU and the European University Alliance for Global Health.

To see peer reviewed scientific articles visit the Commission's online One Health Library Journal Articles/White Papers Section.


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Select Year: 

November 2017

Nov 3
November 3
Technical Note – ‘One Health: A Key Concept for complex health problems management in the Global South' (English) (French) (links to the pdfs posted on the OH Day page)

As part of the celebration of the 2nd International One Health Day, the network of graduates of the Master of specialization in Integrated Management of Health Risks in the Global South – GIRISS-Pro (organized by the University of Liège, the Université Libre de Bruxelles and the University of Namur in Belgium, with the support of many partners, including CIRAD, FAO and CSRS), have undertaken the elaboration of a technical note addressing recent health crises in their respective countries in order to contribute to the promotion of the One Health concept in the Global South. This note aims to highlight the importance of an integrated approach in health crises management, and It specifically addresses four themes representing complex health problems in the Global South. (English)   (French)


September 2017


August 2017

Aug 24
August 24
Canine maps predict Lyme disease risk better than the CDC does.

Author: Lorraine Johnson, JD, MBA    On: Lyme website

K-9s as Sentinels for human Lyme Disease.


March 2017

Mar 30
March 30
Perspective: The one-health way

Kahn, L. Perspective: The one-health way. Nature 543, S47 (2017).

Mar 9
March 9
Commentary:Climate Change, Health, Food Security

By Cheryl Stroud, DVM, PhD, Executive Director, One Health Commission


February 2017

Feb 19
February 19
Preparing Society to Create the World We Need Through One Health Education: Report of the Survey and Web Conference on One Health K-12 Education 18 November 2016

An online survey and conference were conducted by the One Health Education Task Force (OHETF) in the fall of 2016 to engage interested colleagues in a discussion about the possible application of One Health concepts to basic childhood education. This work was preceded by a number of publications on the potential effectiveness of using One Health in education to reinforce the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and in the long run to change fundamental attitudes about the relationship humans have with the planet.

The OHETF, an initiative led by the One Health Commission, proposes to use the information gleaned from the survey and conference as a foundation for the development of K-12 educational programming that is built around the principles of One Health and Well-Being as a means to achieve a more sustainable world.

Feb 6
February 6
One health economics for healthy people, agriculture and environment,

Authors: Berthe F, Bouley T, Osewe P    In: World Bank Blogs

The World Bank has been working toward a One Health agenda for more than a decade. The 2005 Global Program for Avian Influenza (GPAI) was perhaps the first and most prominent illustration of this approach, integrating animal, human, and environmental health considerations at global scale. The GPAI engaged 62 countries through 83 operations, and significantly diminished the overall impact of the outbreak by financing individual country systems.


January 2017

Jan 18
January 18
One Health—How Does It Help Veterinary Medicine?

Author: Simon R Platt   In: Today’s Veterinary Practice

Much has been made of the recognition that animal health and human health have a multitude of parallels. Throughout many species, diseases have been documented and researched, and they share a plethora of similarities with the same diseases in humans. These similarities may be pathologic, genetic, or pathophysiological, creating windows of opportunity to investigate new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies that may potentially benefit animals, as well as humans, with a given disease.

Jan 1
January 1
The UN-2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the One Health Concept: a Case for Synergistic Collaboration Towards 'a Common Cause' by One Health Education Task Force Chair George Lueddeke

" sustain the planet and its people in the long term requires making a fundamental mind - or paradigm shift this century: moving away from a stance held by many stakeholders, such a Governments and Big Business, that see, as Pope Francis laments, 'the world as a means to an end'[14], and 'a place made especially for humans and a place without limits'[15] to one that recognises that the survival of the planet and people depends on evolving a future that is 'compatible with our needs as human beings but also an outer world that is compatible with the needs of our ecosystem'[15]. The overarching goal - the common denominator to pull us together regardless of 'race, colour, religion, sex, or national origin' - must surely be creating 'healthy people on a healthy planet'[16]."

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