Narratives of One Health In Action - One Health Commission

Narratives of One Health In Action

One Health can provide a safe, 'no judgment zone' for many needed conversations surrounding our most difficult global and environmental health challenges. 

This is a webpage where many items can be shared, from peer reviewed scientific case studies to examples of One Health successes (or missed opportunities) to Op Eds and Opinion Pieces.

Opinions expressed here are not necessarily approved by the One Health Commission but are shared ‘because’ this is a safe, no judgement zone and we need to hear from many perspectives on many of today’s challenges. Thoughtful articles written in a professional tone will be considered for posting. Submit suggested items to

See COVID-19 and One Health

See more narratives of One Health in Action on the U.S. CDC One Health in Action webpage.

See digital One Health stories in a Virtual One Health Exhibition shared by researchers from the Center for International Health CIHLMU and the European University Alliance for Global Health.

To see peer reviewed scientific articles visit the Commission's online One Health Library Journal Articles/White Papers Section.


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November 2022

Nov 8
November 8
“Swamp Boy” tells the tale of a bright 14-year-old boy who suddenly hears demonic voices and experiences sudden-onset psychosis—He thinks he’s turning into Swamp Thing, a green, plant-covered monster.

“Swamp Boy” tells the tale of a bright 14-year-old boy who suddenly hears demonic voices and experiences sudden-onset psychosis—He thinks he’s turning into Swamp Thing, a green, plant-covered monster. The story follows his parent’s hellish journey into the medical system as they struggle to save their oldest son from permanent residency in a psychiatric ward. His psychiatrists are convinced he has schizophrenia—until his determined father solves the mystery behind his delusions, offering the family hope and a cure......Hint:  It was Bartonellosis


October 2022

Oct 26
October 26
We Collectively Have Only One Health

Authors: Vivek Kapur, Sindura Ganapathi, Cheryl Stroud, James Wood, Peter Hudson, Gagandeep Kang,Richard Seifman


Investment to prevent and prepare for the next pandemic requires enlightened self-interest in public health


September 2022

Sep 25
September 25
One Health: A Paradigm Whose Time Has Come?

Authors: Bruce Kaplan, Richard Siefman, Claude Forthomme    In: IMPAKTER


Finding common ground between countries and institutions to deal with our common health future is still an uphill road at the upcoming G20 in Indonesia

"......We will have a better chance of suppressing infectious diseases if we adopt…a One Health approach and integrate predictive modeling and surveillance used in both infectious disease control and climate change.”


Sep 4
September 4
Learning From the Past: Why One Health is Needed

Author: Bruce Kaplan  In: IMPAKTER

A new historical overview of how the One Health concept developed over 150 years brings home the fact that the time has come to adopt it worldwide.


July 2022

Jul 20
July 20
Women and Water in Uganda: A One Health Social Science Approach

Authors: Aisha Nankanja and Laura Streichert    In:  PEAH

This forward-looking article tells us how grassroots efforts to improve water access in Uganda have been operationalized by the Rural Water Initiative for Climate Action (RWICA), a Uganda-based nonprofit aimed at empowering ‘communities to meet their water needs and build resilience to climate change by applying a One Health perspective’.

Jul 18
July 18
Call for the United Nations to appoint a One Health Coordinator to guide policy and program change -

Author: Richard Seifman    In:  IMPAKTER

Supporters of One Health do not commonly look upon their efforts as being in competition in gaining attention with other compelling ideas. But there is some truth in this; the public commons have room for just so much, and if forced to choose between the immediate and later, the better or lesser publicized, it will invariably choose the former……The One Health Coordinator would inter alia share relevant research, and organize meetings and conferences, conceivably at a Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly. 

Jul 12
July 12
Environment, Part of One Health, Is Often Missing in Action

Author: Richard Seifman    In:  IMPAKTER

A new One Health definition covers human, animal and eco-systems, but the latter is not part of the Joint External Evaluation (JEE). Working with UNEP to tailor specifics relevant to One Health would then serve as a pathway to include the ecosystem in JEE assessments.

Jul 2
July 2
One Health: The International Community Takes A New Step Forward

Author: Richard Seifman   In:  IMPAKTER

“This is One Health’s year of recognition, with the World Bank's latest fund for pandemic response… But what about more and sustained action?"....


June 2022

Jun 30
June 30
In Wartime, Mental Health and One Health Are Casualties

Author:  Richard Seifman   In:  IMPAKTER

Jun 2
June 2
One Health Needs the Private Sector – The Private Sector Needs One Health

Author: Richard Seifman In: IMPAKTER

Over 15 million dead from COVID-19 and output losses close to $14 trillion, but we need all hands on deck to deal with this and future pandemics


May 2022

May 26
May 26
Why unprecedented bird flu outbreaks sweeping the world are concerning scientists

By: Britney Miller    In;    Nature

Mass infections in wild birds pose a significant risk to vulnerable species, are hard to contain and increase the opportunity for the virus to spill over into people.

Researchers say that what is needed is a holistic approach that considers how avian influenza spreads through wild birds, poultry and people. Collaboration between public-health researchers and animal-health groups is vital for picking up spillover events into people. “If we control this in poultry, we control this in humans, and it’s likely that we control this in wild birds, as well,”

May 25
May 25
Avian influenza: How bird flu affects domestic and wild flocks, and why a One Health approach matters

Authors: Shayan Sharif and Jeffrey J. Wichtel      In:  The Conversation 

There is an urgent need for governments to invest in local and global initiatives that focus on the human-animal-environment interface of disease. One such investment includes funding higher education programs in One Health. These programs will prepare the next generation of Canadians to address societal grand challenges — like pandemic preparedness — with a One Health lens, enabling the formation of teams whose expertise transcends disciplinary boundaries…… Now, more than ever, we need to ensure that both local and global One Health initiatives are developed as a core component of planning preparedness for future pandemics. 

May 23
May 23
World Economic Forum 2022: Not All Major Issues Adressed
Author: Richard Seifman In: IMPAKTER
"Because global health is much more than an industry matter, and One Health is critically multi-sectoral with implications much beyond the human health sector, it should be given its own space on the WEF agenda."
May 16
May 16
All Life Protection and Our Collective Future

Wiebers DO, Feigin VL, Winkler AS, Neuroepidemiology 2022. doi: 10.1159/000525021

"we would invoke the concept of All Life Protection which promotes and augments the concept of #OneHealth [2, 24] by fundamentally emphasizing not only the health of all life forms but also the wellbeing and protection of such. We are running out of time to make major changes in the current trajectory of many of our practices and it will be increasingly important for us to go beyond human protection, animal protection, and environmental protection and recognize the oneness of all life. .............

May 13
May 13
Human medical intervention rescues newborn San Diego Zoo giraffe

Author: Julie Watson   In:  Los Angeles Times

Zoos increasingly are turning to medical professionals who treat people to find solutions for ailing animals. The collaboration has been especially helpful in the field of prosthetics and orthotics.

May 9
May 9
Animals In Space: We Owe Them Now And In Future

Authors: Richard Seifman and Bruce Kaplan     In: IMPAKTER

Prime examples of a One Health approach, animals have tested the way for humans in space; now research moves back to Earth with new lines of inquiry 



April 2022

Apr 22
April 22
Report - A Comparative Analysis of One Health Policies in Asia: Opportunities for Application in British Columbia

Authors: Bonni Beltramo, Lisa Slager, Lindsey Wall, Soumya Kolluru

Advisors: Drs. Kai Ostwald, Drona Rasali,  School of Public Policy and Global Affairs, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver

This report was commissioned by the British Columbia, Canada non-profit organization, Genome BC. A group of University of British Columbia students in the Master of Public Policy and Global Affairs (MPPGA) program explored implementation of One Health policies in Hong Kong, Singapore, Bangladesh, and Thailand, to find best practices that can inform and strengthen One Health policy implementation in British Columbia.


February 2022

Feb 18
February 18
Equatorial Guinea to host UN FAO regional conference in April

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will hold its next Africa regional conference in Malabo, hosted by the Government of Equatorial Guinea. The regional conference is FAO’s highest governing body in Africa.

The agenda includes pressing issues in the region such as policy priorities to recover from COVID-19’s impacts on agrifood systems; the prevention of future pandemics through the One Health approach; investing in ecosystem restoration for agrifood systems; promoting investment and trade in agricultural products within Africa in the context of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA); and ways to ensure women, youth and the poor are included in agrifood systems transformation.

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