One Health Movement News / One Health Topics 'in' the News - One Health Commission

One Health Movement News / One Health Topics 'in' the News

View articles of interest about One Health topics gathered from media around the world here. Send One Health related news to:

See also COVID-19 and One Health that has taken over the news since January, 2020.

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December 2018


November 2018

Nov 6
November 6
United towards Global Health: Common Strategies for Common Challenges

At the November, 2017 G7 meeting of Health Ministers several important references were made to One Health - a significant sign that the top 7 industrial nations of the world have embraced the concept and approach.


October 2018

Oct 17
October 17
Synergizing One Health Collaborations (October 17 and 24, 2018)

Two online meetings hosted by the One Health Commission provided an opportunity for 25 invited organizations working in the One Health Space toward common/parallel goals to share their initiatives and establish collaborative relationships. See Agenda and Participant list.


September 2018

Sep 28
September 28
The Role of One Health Initiative to Achieving Rabies Eradication in Nigeria by Year 2030

Ibadan, Nigeria. Symposium organized by the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association in partnership with the Family Medicine Department of the University College Hospital, Ibadan and the International Veterinary Students Association, Ibadan.

Sep 26
September 26
Eight diseases that pets can pick up from people

Most people are aware of the existence of zoonoses - those few diseases that pets can pass onto people: examples include rabies, ringworm, Toxoplasmosis and a number of bacterial infections which can be picked up by hand-to-mouth contact, or by contamination of a human skin wound. Simple attention to prevention, including vaccination and basic hygiene, are usually sufficient to keep these potential problems under control.


August 2018

Aug 20
August 20
Now is the time for academic institutions to step forward in leading new One Health initiatives

Now is the time for academic institutions to step forward in leading new One Health initiatives to create impactful, relevant research-driven solutions and train the next generation of innovative leaders. One Health concepts are ideally suited to provide robust, system-wide health-related solutions that the global society will need and expect. There is an enormous unrealized potential for all schools/colleges on a campus or amongst campuses to collaborate and leverage their strengths to solve many of society’s most important One Health issues such as prevention and treatment of obesity in humans and animals, infectious and zoonotic diseases that threaten global peace and security, health care costs and the need to adopt wellness programs, and safe and nutritious food and water for the world’s growing population—just to name a few.


June 2018

Jun 27
June 27
Republic of Liberia Second National One Health Coordinating Platform meeting

The launch of the One Health approach in Liberia emerged from the experience of the 2014-2016 Ebola Virus Disease epidemic that gave rise to the urgent need for a multi-sectoral coordinating mechanism for effective and prompt prevention, preparation, detection and response to public health threats.  As a result, the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) for International Health Regulations conducted in 2016 highlighted several gaps and recommended the urgent need to strengthen multi-sectorial coordination as a cost- effective way to better prepare for public health threats.  With support from World Health Organization (WHO), USAID, US-CDC and other partners, Liberia has made steady progress in institutionalizing the One Health approach and the establishment of a permanent One Health Coordinating Structure, the One Health Coordination Platform (OHCP), with the Vice President of the Country serving as the chairperson of the platform.

Jun 12
June 12
UTMB Hosts Training in One Health and Outbreak Investigation

A new four-week course recently wrapped up at UTMB, and according to the organizing faculty, the students felt it achieved its objective of teaching them about investigating, managing and controlling an outbreak of a zoonotic agent of unknown origin.

Dennis Bente, PhD, DVM, an Associate Professor in the UTMB Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, teamed with Matt Dacso, MD, an internal medicine faculty member in the UTMB School of Medicine, to champion the ambitious four-week course, which involved collaborations with Texas A&M University and the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV).


May 2018

May 30
May 30
FAO, OIE, WHO working together to achieve One Health

In a Memorandum of Understanding, FAO, OIE and WHO agreed to strengthen their long-standing partnership, with a  focus on tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Report  

May 3
May 3
First One Health Summit India held in New Delhi

Cornell-Sathguru Foundation for Development (CSFD), with the support of the Indian Federation of Animal Health Companies (INFAH)  and the University of Hyderabad, hosted the first One Health Summit in India.


April 2018

Apr 26
April 26
Soulsby Foundation names recipients of inaugural One Health travel fellowships

Baron Soulsby of Swaffham (Lord Soulsby), who died in May 2017, was a pioneer and champion of the One Health concept who sought to inspire colleagues and students to view animal and human medicine as one continuous health-related tapestry.

Apr 18
April 18
Volunteer ad hoc committee of U.S. One Health leaders prepares one-page ‘Call to Action’ for support of non-partisan Senate Bill S. 2615 ‘‘Advancing Emergency Preparedness Through One Health"

One Health is a nonpartisan issue. Governments embracing and implementing it in all countries will be beneficial to the entire world.

Apr 4
April 4
One Health Day 2018 Launch Press Release Introduces Exciting Updates

3 November is the official observance date of the annual global One Health Day.  Launched in April 2016 by three leading international One Health groups, the One Health Commission, the One Health Initiative Autonomous pro bono Team, and the One Health Platform Foundation, One Health Day raises awareness about the One Health approach to complex health problems involving people, animals, and the environment. One Health Day has grown into a sustainable platform for One Health supporters around the world to educate about One Health and One Health issues in their locals.   


March 2018

Mar 27
March 27
A Saint Louis Zoo vet links human health to wildlife

A TEDxGatewayArch talk on wellness suggests we’re all in this together. “We people, the 7.6 billion of us, need to come to grips with spike and kotto in perenco.jpg the realization that human health is dependent upon the environmental health and animal health,” Deem says. “We’re the ones who make the changes on this planet.”

Mar 22
March 22
U.S. Senate One Health Bill introduced to Congress: "Advancing Emergency Preparedness Through One Health Act of 2018"

On March 22, 2018, Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) and Senator Todd Young (R-IN) introduced a bi-partisan bill, S.2615 “Advancing Emergency Preparedness Through One Health Act of 2018” which has been referred to the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pension (HELP) for their review.

S.2615 will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the U.S. Government’s response to (disease) emergencies by requiring the U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture (USDA) to do more than justcoordinate but actively collaborate among themselves and other relevant Departments and Agencies to develop and implement a federal One Health Framework. Human health, animal health and environmental health are inextricably linked and a One Health approach is the collaborative effort of multiple disciplines working locally, nationally and globally to address issues of mutual concern, such as: emergency preparedness for disease outbreaks.

The One Health Framework in S.2615 would:

  • Advance workforce development related to prevention of and response to disease outbreaks in animals and humans.
  • Improve coordination between federal agencies who study human and animal health and the environment.
  • Advance scientific understanding of the connections between human, animal, and environmental health.

Review S. 2615  

See a description of the Bill

Mar 7
March 7
Transatlantic Taskforce on Antimicrobial Resistance (TATFAR) meeting held in Atlanta

On March 7-8, a two-day Transatlantic Taskforce on Antimicrobial Resistance (TATFAR) meeting was held in Atlanta. TATFAR members convened to strengthen collaboration against growing resistance to life-saving antimicrobial drugs. The meeting included government agency representatives from Canada, the European Union, Norway, and the United States, along with other leading experts on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). 


February 2018

Feb 21
February 21
First 'Global Flipped Classroom in One Health': From MOOCs to research on real world challenges

'Flipped' classroom One Health MOOC: The One Health Unit, Institute of Global Health (Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva) in collaboration with Professor Jakob Zinsstag, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, has just published a description of the first global 'flipped'  classroom in One Health.

Feb 14
February 14
Antimicrobial Resistance: Forging A New Strategy Against an Old Threat

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is sadly not a new threat, and despite Alexander Fleming’s warnings about resistant bacteria rising up because of the frequent and misuse of antibiotics,1 only fairly recently have individuals truly started to pay attention. Not only is there a growing threat of resistant bacteria, but the development of new antibiotics has been woefully insufficient. A recent report found that “of the drugs in development, only 12 have the potential to address the most critical Gram-negative pathogens on the World Health Organization’s antibiotic-resistant priority pathogens list: carbapenem-resistant Enterobactericaeae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Acinetobacter baumanii.

Feb 14
February 14
Feral macaques in Florida pose herpes B risk to humans

Feral rhesus macaques living in a Florida state park can transmit herpes B virus, which is potentially deadly in humans.

Transmission is a low-incidence, high-consequence risk, according to an article in the February issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Feb 13
February 13
Tanzania commits to embrace the One Health approach

Today, the Government of Tanzania and partners launched the One Health Coordination Desk and the National One Health Strategic Plan, as an important milestone towards addressing emerging health challenges at the animal-environment-human interface. Establishment of the One Health Coordination Desk and other elements of the National One Health Platform, underscores national commitment to strengthen mechanisms for prevention, detection and response to outbreaks. This is critical as the country embarks on building core capacities for preparedness and response to public health events under the International Health Regulations.

Feb 13
February 13
Animal House: Leptospirosis Can Infect You And Your Pet

If your pet ventures outside, even for a short time each day, then your furry friend is at risk for a zoonotic disease that has the potential to kill you both.

Feb 12
February 12
Young woman in Oregon, USA first human known to have been infected with a rare eye worm found in cows.

Abby Beckley thought her left eye was irritated because of a stray eyelash. She rubbed her eye, flushed it with water, but when the discomfort remained, she peered into the mirror. She thought she saw a piece of clear fuzz. She pinched it with her fingers and pulled it out.

Feb 10
February 10
Scores of monkeys killed in Rio yellow fever panic

Fears of spreading yellow fever are behind the illegal killing of scores of monkeys in Rio de Janeiro, complicating efforts to fight the virus, authorities say.

Feb 10
February 10
World must act faster to prevent pandemic diseases - U.N. risk chief

The world must ramp up efforts to prevent huge infectious disease outbreaks - such as flu strains that can jump from animals to humans - which could kill millions of people, the chief of the U.N.’s disaster risk agency said on Saturday.

Feb 9
February 9
10 threats to global health in 2018

Another influenza pandemic is inevitable. In this interconnected world, the next global flu outbreak is a matter of “when” not “if” — with far-reaching consequences. A severe pandemic could result in millions of deaths and destroy over 1% of global GDP.

Feb 9
February 9
Vaccines for Zoonoses: a One Health Paradigm

Bruce Kaplan, DVM, describes some of the achievements of Dr. Thomas Monath who is launching a new vaccine company. The Abstract to this journal article reads: “This review focuses on the immunization of animals as a means of preventing human diseases (zoonoses). Three frameworks for the use of vaccines in this context are described, and examples are provided of successes and failures.

Feb 6
February 6
Microplastic Pollution Threatens Giants Of The Ocean, Scientists Warn

In a new study published in the journal Trends in Ecology and Evolution, researchers revealed that giant sea creatures are swallowing large amounts of microplastic every day, which can pose a threat to their health, and possibly lead to the further decline of their population.

Feb 5
February 5
Project aims to prevent pandemics using One Health approach

Ebola, H1N1 flu and other outbreaks in the past decade have killed hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Zika emerged from their hiding places just a few years ago, surprising and frustrating public health experts and scientists who could only respond to these infectious diseases, rather than prevent them.

Feb 1
February 1
Call for Papers: Special Journal Issue, "Canine Rabies Surveillance, Control and Elimination"

MDPI Veterinary Sciences, Guest Editor: Ricardo Castillo-Neyra, DVM, PhD, MSPH.


This Special Issue is dedicated to discussing recent developments in canine rabies surveillance and exploring new control and elimination strategies for canine rabies. Manuscripts using the One Health approach are especially encouraged. Deadline March 31, 2018


January 2018

Jan 31
January 31
Multistate Outbreak of Multidrug-Resistant Campylobacter Infections Linked to Contact with Pet Store Puppies (Final Update)

CDC, several states, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) investigated a multistate outbreak of multidrug-resistant Campylobacter infections. Epidemiologic and laboratory evidence indicated that contact with puppies sold through Petland stores was a likely source of this outbreak. This outbreak investigation is over; however, illnesses could continue because people may be unaware of the risk of Campylobacter infections from puppies and dogs. This multi-drug resistant outbreak highlights the need for responsible use of antibiotics in pets.

Jan 29
January 29
A Professor’s Passion: Progress in Animal Therapy

Therapy animals can be especially helpful with children who lack self-confidence and are struggling in school.

Jan 23
January 23
More Data Needed in Health Emergencies, Lawmakers Told

The federal government needs to help public health agencies better pull together data from various sources during a public health emergency, witnesses said at a Senate committee hearing Tuesday.

Jan 22
January 22
UMN research aims to treat cancer in dogs and humans

Researchers hope a new University of Minnesota study will create better brain cancer treatment for both dogs and humans. 

Jan 22
January 22
Cats and Dogs Could Help Human Disease Breakthrough

The University of California, Davis' veterinary school is a surprising center for spina bifida and cancer research, thanks to some furry pals. 


Jan 16
January 16
The Parasite on the Playground

Roundworm eggs, shed by stray dogs, can be ingested by children playing outside. The worm’s larvae have been found in the brain, experts say, perhaps impairing development.

Jan 16
January 16
Could Colorado’s Zombie Deer Disease Ever Spread To People?

Would you eat venison if there was a chance it could slowly eat away at your brain? Chronic wasting disease has infected deer, elk and moose in 24 states and Canada, Norway and South Korea, and a recent study results suggested that humans are not immune to the prion disease. Wildlife officials urge hunters to have game killed in areas where the disease has been found to have their animals tested, but some hunters forgo testing, particularly on animals killed in low-risk areas.

Jan 10
January 10
U.S. CDC's Zoonotic Disease Prioritization Workshops

CDC collaborates with countries and other partners to conduct One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization workshops toBoy in field with cattle help countries identify their top five zoonotic diseases of greatest national concern. Workshop participation can help strengthen multisectoral collaborations in a country, as participants include a wide-ranging group of partners who work to protect the health of people, animals, or the environment. Prioritizing zoonotic diseases means countries can more efficiently build laboratory capacity, conduct disease surveillance, plan outbreak response and preparedness activities, and create collaborative disease prevention strategies to reduce illness and death in people and animals. Information on these workshops and summary reports can be found on CDC’s One Health website.

Jan 4
January 4
Links between animal and human health

Animal and human health are intimately connected – think about avian influenza which is transmitted from birds to humans and the problem of toxoplasmosis being passed from animal faeces to children and adults. The University of Surrey’s School of Veterinary Medicine, has successfully secured an award worth up to €2 million from the European Commission to undertake interdisciplinary research to tackle the growing threat of foodborne zoonoses (infectious diseases transmitted from animals to humans) to the population’s health and the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

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